I’m at the Socorro County School Board retreat …
I’m at the Socorro County School Board retreat this morning. Great bunch of people!
I’m at the Socorro County School Board retreat this morning. Great bunch of people!
Great evening on my home turf with Socorro Dems! Senator Padilla, Peter DeBenedittis, me (Mad Hildebrandt), David Baake, and Jeff Carr.
In a USA Today story Trump declared he would let Obamacare fail! He said “We’re not going to own it — I’m not going to own it!” He added that “We’ll let Obamacare fail and then the Democrats are going to come to us.” I say no way. We can play hardball too. And that means taking the House in 2018 and gaining ground in the Senate with each successive election.
Yes, the ACA needs to be fixed. But, it needs to be addressed in a bipartisan, and thoughtful way. One in which the best interests of the PEOPLE is taken into account…and is paramount!
I intend to do this when I am in Congress, with an aim toward single-payer healthcare…yes, quality healthcare for all!
Please support me in my campaign. I am running an ActBlue “fundme” this week. Your donation will help me as I drive to various locales around our giant district. Tonight I will be in Socorro addressing local Dems, and Saturday I will be in Tularosa with the Downwinders.
Get MAD and vote Blue!
As a fellow Veteran, I stand with John McCain during this hard medical voyage he is enduring. He is one of our nation’s great heroes… a man who fought bravely, was captured and withstood horrific torture. When he made it home he chose to continue fighting for this great nation we share… becoming an elected official. As a Christian, he is in my prayers.
Please watch this brave young lady who escaped from North Korea. This is why our country cannot be some isolationist, self-centered, big-business centered place. We must continue to lead the world in international, and humanitarian issues. We cannot abdicate that position just because we elected a man who should have been unelectable. Our Senate and our House must step up to fill that void. Keep some tissues handy…
Come and meet Mad Hildebrandt, Democratic Candidate for US Congress. We will discuss issues specific to Downwinders, and to the people of Tularosa!
The White House has put out a video based on their own faulty behavior and called into question the CBO’s math. The forecast of numbers insured by the ACA was based on the continuation of the program’s policies. Instead, we are seeing the result of the Trump administration’s systematic attempt to dismantle the ACA without congressional action. When left to his own devices, the man sitting in the president’s chair can cause untold damage.
The Constitution is not just a document, it IS the country. It is the skeletal structure of this living, breathing creation we call the United States of America. I’m sure you’ve seen this article from April, but I want to call attention to Trump’s use of the word “archaic”. Like all things not inert, our country, and laws, evolve as needed for the times. But, the basic structure remains virtually unchanged. When someone takes the oath of office, for any office, they are swearing to abide by those rules, and work within them. They are NOT given free reign to change the structure to fit their own whims.
Read this definition of tyranny from Britannica: in the Greco-Roman world, an autocratic form of rule in which one individual exercised power without any legal restraint.
This is the essence of what Donald Trump aspires to. He wants to change the fundamental design of our nation to fit his wishes, desires, and personal ‘needs.’ In addition, the Republican-led House and Senate do not challenge him, even when his demands go against the common good, and established law. This makes him a tyrant in the classical sense. Read up on Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Domitian, Commodus, and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus I and II. Pay close attention. Their reigns didn’t normally end well.
Just south of Socorro the land opens up wide and breathtaking beauty surrounds you. I love the majesty of New Mexico’s landscapes.