Jared Kushner has become the real Secretary of State, it appears. Dumber has replaced Dumb. How can these people think that someone unversed in the intricacies (and tricks) of foriegn diplomacy will be able to successfully perform this job? Jared is a babe in the woods… And his every word and action will be taken seriously. Yes, he can cause a war by saying the wrong word.
Sadly, we can’t get rid of these people until we take back the house.
Kudos to the UNM student government, which agreed to support their undocumented students. They also plan to send a letter to Donald Trump. This is democracy in action.
After all the hard work our senators and representatives accomplished in Santa Fe these past months our governor has left the state WITHOUT signing 200 bills! Those bills were the culmination of years of work by Democrats and Republicans, and it’s unconscionable that she leave without signing them. What do you think?
It isn’t just politicians and government websites that are at risk from Russian hackers. You are ALSO a possible target. They seem to be particularly interested in any businesses which are clean energy oriented. But, anyone in New Mexico is at risk! When I get to Washington I will continue to fight for your interests and protection from both foreign and domestic threats!
We cannot allow this sort of decimation to occur! Our very lives depend upon it! I don’t know how much damage will have been done before I get to Washington, but I promise that I will do my utmost to set out right.