I spent Saturday afternoon at Fort Stanton LIVE! If you haven’t been to Fort Stanton, make some time for the drive out to Lincoln County. The reenactors won’t be there, but there is a museum and giftshop, and beautiful buildings you can enter. And the docents are very knowledgeable!
Fourth of July with Socorro Democrats was such a fabulous day! Friends, family, and extended Socorro family! We had a wonderful, completely nonpartisan, open, friendly day with our activity booth and bakesale. Kudos to our chair Sandy Martinez, and all the work she and the committees put into this event!
Donald Trump’s misogynistic personal attacks on women demonstrate his lack of honor, and morality. All Americans, on both sides of the fence should implore him to halt this sort of misbehavior and focus, instead, on his job. There is so much room for Democrats and Republicans to work together. We do NOT hate each other (except for the minority of people on the fringes of the Right and Left). The majority of us do NOT want to see extremism grow in this country. We do NOT want to see our great nation split into warring factions a la Hunger Games.