Senator Jeff Flake (R) Arizona, is dropping out of the 2018 race for his seat. He blames Donald Trump and his misbehavior and “abandonment” of our way of life. He uses the term “despotism” and says “so, Mr. President, I will not be silent and complicit.”
My Great Aunt Katy was a suffragette in Chicago. She fought for our right to vote, and my right to run for office. How is it that the gains our mothers made are now being eroded? We could easily substitute Trump for Wilson on the banner in this photo. I WILL smash our glass ceiling and be the first woman in southern New Mexico’s seat in the House of Representatives! We WILL smash that faux barrier together! With your support we CAN bring change!
get MAD and vote blue!
ONE DOLLAR can make the difference! That’s all I’m asking:
There’s never been a moment like today when women have had to unite to retain the rights & freedoms we have ALREADY GAINED! Come join me and fight for VICTORY! I will be the FIRST WOMAN in this seat – help break southern New Mexico’s glass ceiling and let’s win US Congress for women, and for Democrats!
New Mexicans know science! Together, we have forced Governor Martinez’s Public Education Department (PED) to abandon their plan to include politicized edits in K-12 science education curriculum. Congratulations, and keep up the good work, New Mexico!