Forget banned books… banned words is now a …

Forget banned books… banned words is now a thing. The CDC has been given a list of words it can no longer use in ANY report. Included: evidence-based, science-based, vulnerable, entitlement, diversity, transgender, and fetus. This amounts to enforced cultural revolution. Think Soviet Russia, Red China, Nazi Germany, Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Do you think none of that can happen here? It can if we remain complacent. We must continue to speak out, and we must elect strong people to positions of leadership.

NYC Fundraiser, 12/16 …

NYC Fundraiser, 12/16
Tech Solidarity invites you to a fundraiser at the Community Church of New York in Manhattan on Saturday, December 16th, from 4-6 PM, with our special guest Mr. David Simon!

Come see the man who killed off your favorite Wire character, get fired up about our prospects for 2018, and join us in welcoming four intrepid progressive candidates to New York City.

Our guests at the fundraiser will be:

Marge Doyle
Registered nurse and health administrator running in the eighth district of California, where the nefarious Cadiz company is trying to drain water from under the Mojave Desert to sell it to Orange County.

Jess King
Small business leader, advocate, and Mennonite working mom running in the sixteenth district of Pennsylvania. Her district, which includes Lancaster, hosts more refugees than anyplace else in the United States.

Mad Hildebrandt
History instructor and Coast Guard veteran running in the second district of New Mexico, an open seat with majority Democratic voters, where 44% of the population is on Medicaid.

Paul Spencer
History teacher and pecan farmer, drafted to run by his former students in the second district of Arkansas (Little Rock), and running against a wealthy banker.

Each of these four candidates has assembled a skilled campaign team, and is pursuing a strategy that hinges on reaching new voters. But the high level of poverty in these districts makes fundraising a challenge.

Let’s give these candidates the resources they need to organize in their districts, and do it early enough so their time-consuming but essential voter expansion efforts can bear fruit.

Following opening remarks by Mr. Simon, each candidate will speak about their district and their campaign for 15 minutes. There will be time to meet the candidates and their staff individually at the end of the event.

Those attending are requested to donate $200 to any combination of campaigns, before or after. You can donate using the links above, or bring your checkbook with you on the day of the event.

Space is limited, so please RSVP to: by December 13 to reserve your tickets.

The event space is wheelchair accessible.

Fine print: an individual may contribute up to $2,700 to a Congressional primary. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents may donate. Federal contractors are barred from donating by election law.

Art by J. Johnstone, 1890, accompanying The Little …

Art by J. Johnstone, 1890, accompanying The Little Match Girl (adapted from Hans Christian Anderson’s tale of the same name) by William McGonagall

It was biting cold, and the falling snow,
Which filled a poor little match girl’s heart with woe,
Who was bareheaded and barefooted, as she went along the street,
Crying, “Who’ll buy my matches? for I want pennies to buy some meat!”

When she left home she had slippers on;
But, alas! poor child, now they were gone.
For she lost both of them while hurrying across the street,
Out of the way of two carriages which were near by her feet.

So the little girl went on, while the snow fell thick and fast;
And the child’s heart felt cold and downcast,
For nobody had bought any matches that day,
Which filled her little mind with grief and dismay.

Alas! she was hungry and shivering with cold;
So in a corner between two houses she made bold
To take shelter from the violent storm.
Poor little waif! wishing to herself she’d never been born.

And she grew colder and colder, and feared to go home
For fear of her father beating her; and she felt woe-begone
Because she could carry home no pennies to buy bread,
And to go home without pennies she was in dread.

The large flakes of snow covered her ringlets of fair hair;
While the passers-by for her had no care,
As they hurried along to their homes at a quick pace,
While the cold wind blew in the match girl’s face.

As night wore on her hands were numb with cold,
And no longer her strength could her uphold,
When an idea into her little head came:
She’d strike a match and warm her hands at the flame.

And she lighted the match, and it burned brightly,
And it helped to fill her heart with glee;
And she thought she was sitting at a stove very grand;
But, alas! she was found dead, with a match in her hand!

Her body was found half-covered with snow,
And as the people gazed thereon their hearts were full of woe;
And many present let fall a burning tear
Because she was found dead on the last night of the year,

In that mighty city of London, wherein is plenty of gold —
But, alas! their charity towards street waifs is rather cold.
But I hope the match girl’s in Heaven, beside her Saviour dear,
A bright reward for all the hardships she suffered here.

My prayers for the families and friends of the …

My prayers for the families and friends of the victims of the Aztec School Shooting here in New Mexico. We must be vigilant, we must empower our educators, we must strengthen Mental Health services, we must focus on anger management in this country, starting with our politicians who have divided us. We MUST take responsibility for our nation’s citizens!