Why would House Republicans boycott a …

Why would House Republicans boycott a NONPOLITICAL, NONCONTROVERSIAL hearing aranged by a Democrat? This hearing was intended to provide a knowledge base for representatives on strategies and methods of Russians. Nothing was discussed about Trump, and wasn’t on the agenda. This was about an FBI double agent telling how things are done by the Russians.

Guess what? Not a SINGLE Republican showed up! That kind of partisan behavior is dysfunctional and won’t change until we turn the House BLUE!

Get MAD and vote blue!

Jared Kushner has become the real Secretary of …

Jared Kushner has become the real Secretary of State, it appears. Dumber has replaced Dumb. How can these people think that someone unversed in the intricacies (and tricks) of foriegn diplomacy will be able to successfully perform this job? Jared is a babe in the woods… And his every word and action will be taken seriously. Yes, he can cause a war by saying the wrong word.

Sadly, we can’t get rid of these people until we take back the house.

Get MAD and vote blue!