The Donald has something to say to the NFL – “Be happy, be cool!” Why his sudden interest in football after a long quiet spell? For those of you who are ‘not in the know’ football season is upon us. What do you think, should athletes be allowed to kneel? The courts may have something to say about that. Check out the attached article for more info on that topic.
The yearly Fiesta de Santa Fe is almost upon us. Indigenous activists protest the event as racist, while the Hispanic population regards it as a cultural celebration. Euro New Mexicans tend to be quiet about the simmering friction surrounding the event. Across the nation, statues and monuments are being destroyed or quietly changed, like Fitzgerald Square in the attached article. Where do you stand on the issue? Should we make slow, deliberated changes to avoid stepping on toes, or dash to an invisible finish line? And if we do the latter, do we risk losing connection to our collective history – both good and bad?
“So long as we have candidates of any party that are purchased and unduly influenced by special interests, we will not get medicare for all, we will not get minimum wage, we will not get fair and just immigration reform, we will not get worker protections, and we will not get trade deals that fairly treat the middle class. So long as corporations have an undue influence… we’re not going to address climate change as quickly as we need to, we aren’t going to get the infrastructure spending by unionized workers…”
~ Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Progressive Democrat primarying right-leaning incumbent Joseph Crowley in New York.
Her election is tomorrow. You can get her a last minute donation here:
This mother and son from Guatemala have been reunited at the airport in Baltimore. They have been apart for a month. For them, this is just one more step in a tragedy that began before they were forced to leave their home. The long, arduous journey to hope and safety in America turned into an even more tragic experience, care of the United States government. Thank God they are reunited. Now, they must heal. Who will help them though that process, and where will the money come from to pay for their mental health care? Tearing these families apart, flying them around the country, and paying millions to contractors… Our nation must rethink its priorities.